Display bash built-in help
$ help
# show bash built-in help.Execute commands in foreground and background
$ path/to/program
# execute a command in foreground$ path/to/program &
# Execute a command in backgroundSuspend a command that runs in foreground:
List current jobs
$ jobs
[1]- Running dev_appserver.py my_app & (wd: ~/devel)
[2]- Running ( while true; do date; sleep 5; done )
[3]+ Stopped sleep 300
It lists three jobs.
Make a job run in foreground
$ fb %1
# %1 is a job spec.Make a job run in background
$ bg %2
Kill a job
$ kill %1
# %1 is a job spec.E.g:
$ kill %2
$ jobs
[1]- Running dev_appserver.py my_app & (wd: ~/devel)
[2]+ Terminated ( while true; do date; sleep 5; done )
Wait for background jobs to finish
$ wait
# wait for all background jobs to finish.$ wait %2
# wait for job number 2 to finishREFERENCE
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide: Job Control Commands