Perl is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language designed by Larry Wall.
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Perl introduction
Calculate square root of a number
We create a file with this code. E.g:
#!/usr/bin/perl # Calculate square root of a number. use strict; use warnings; use bignum; # 500 digits maximum precision. Math::BigFloat->precision(-500); my $number = shift; die "No number to calculate square root\n" unless (defined $number); die "Number shall be greater or equal than zero\n" unless ($number >= 0); # Hardcoded precision limit. my $limit = 1e-490; sub square_root { my $num = shift; my $low = 0; my $high = ($num < 1) ? $num: 1; my $av = ($low + $high) / 2; my $square; while ($high - $low > $limit) { $square = $av * $av; if ($square > $num) { $high = $av; } elsif ($square < $num) { $low = $av; } else { return $av; } $av = ($low + $high) / 2; } return $av; } print "Square root of $number: ", square_root($number), "\n";
To execute this script:
$ perl 2
Square root of 2: 1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799073247846210703885038753432764157273501384623091229702492483605585073721264412149709993583141322266592750559275579995050115278206057147010955997160597027453459686201472851741864088919860955232923048430871432145083976260362799525140798968725339654633180882964062061525835239505474575028775996172983557522033753185701135437460340849884716038689997069900481503054402779031645424782306849293691862158057846311159666871301301561854084226857
Calculate PI number
We create a file with this code. E.g:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Calculate PI number using this formula: # r[0] = 0; # r[i+1] = sqrt((1 + r[i]) / 2); # delta[i] = (2**(i+1)) * (1 - r[i]) * sqrt(1 - r[i]*r[i]); # pi = delta[0] + delta[1] + delta[2] + ... + delta[i] + ... ; i = 0 .. inf use strict; use warnings; use bignum; Math::BigFloat->precision(-500); my $digits = shift or 20; my $limit = 1e-490; sub square_root { my $num = shift; # print "num: $num\n"; my $low = 0; my $high = ($num > 1) ? $num: 1; my $av = ($low + $high) / 2; my $square; while ($high - $low > $limit) { $square = $av * $av; if ($square > $num) { $high = $av; } elsif ($square < $num) { $low = $av; } else { return $av; } $av = ($low + $high) / 2; } return $av; } my $count = 0; my $rr = 0; my $rr_sq = 0; my $acc = 0; my $mult = 2; while ($count < $digits) { $acc += ($mult * (1 - $rr) * square_root(1 - $rr_sq)); $rr_sq = (1 + $rr) / 2; $rr = square_root($rr_sq); print "\ncount: $count -> acc: $acc\n"; $count++; $mult *= 2; } print "PI: $acc\n";
To execute this script:
$ perl 50
PI: 3.14159265358979323846264338327542627761557698854124379668821332323163585454318619321347588827072794848299290125513043752475748631743709756275331493480837846155277063608424036342205923256904780973128978200129229250763907729304707285930150362119621428986239487332176390225309519883197664464156069660363571538639339858639258251218865408882290823280739309476412316920700408387459099100919685855465403907867105565899417280273100454810773478888978992514659302910842961017524463089418768200086897001863102645