- C Language
- Python
- Rust
- R language
- Lua
- Shell Script programming
- Go language - hello world (in Debian)
- Scheme language
- Web Development
- JavaScript Language
- Criticism of Java (Wikipedia)
- Perl language
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs By Abelson, Sussman and Sussman.
The Art of Unix Programming By Eric Steven Raymond.
Basics of the Unix Philosophy
Numerical Recipes in C
Crockford on JavaScript talks
Crockford on JavaScript - Volume 1: The Early Years
Crockford on JavaScript - Chapter 2: And Then There Was JavaScript
Crockford on JavaScript - Act III: Function the Ultimate
Crockford on JavaScript - Episode IV: The Metamorphosis of Ajax
Crockford on JavaScript - Part 5: The End of All Things
Crockford on JavaScript - Scene 6: Loopage
Crockford on JavaScript - Level 7: ECMAScript 5: The New Parts
Secure Programming HOWTO - Creating Secure Software
Revenge of the Nerds
Language comparison
Stack Overflow Trends: Most Popular Languages
The Computer Language Benchmarks Game